تعلم الاسبانية في اسبانيا! يمكنك أن تأخذ دورة في واحدة من مدرستين لدينا. إما في بويرتو دي لا كروز (شمال تينيريفي) أو في كوستا أديجي (جنوب تينيريفي). كلاهما معتمد من قبل معهد Cervantes الاسباني في مدريد الذي يتفقد المدارس ويصادق على جودة التدريس. هذا يعطي ضمان أن: جميع مدرسينا هم من الناطقين الأصليين الذين يحملون شهادات جامعية وتدريبات إضافية لتدريس "الإسبانية كلغة أجنبية". يتم تحديث طرق التدريس والمواد لدينا دائما. الإقامة والترفيه الأنشطة تلبية جميع المعايير العالية اللازمة. بعد الدروس يمكنك المشاركة في أنشطتنا الترفيهية مع زملائك في الصف: يمكنك العثور على قدميك أثناء رقص السالسا والفلامنكو. نسيان ضغوط الحياة اليومية من خلال لعب كرة الطائرة الشاطئية أو محاولة التقاط الأمواج في مدرسة ركوب الأمواج. بالطبع هناك الكثير من الحفلات في المساء وكذلك رحلات نهاية الأسبوع. الشيء العظيم هو أن جميع الأنشطة اليومية تكون مجانية. لدينا النمط المناسب للإقامة لكل طالب! من الشقق المشتركة إلى الفنادق الفاخرة: دائماً حديثة وذات نوعية جيدة.
Learn Spanish & live in your private teacher's home around Tenerife with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Spanish lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Spain. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Spanish lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Tenerife. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Spanish. All of our teachers in Spain have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Tenerife, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
تعتبر مدرسة إنفوركس الشريكة في تينيريفي، وهي مدرسة صغيرة ومألوفة تتسع لـ 170 طالبًا، مثالية لمحبي الشاطئ والشمس الذين يتطلعون إلى تعلم اللغة الإسبانية في جو حميم.
يقع don Quijote Tenerife في مبنى الكناري التقليدي في أفدا. يقع دي كولون على بعد 5 دقائق فقط سيرًا على الأقدام من شاطئ مارتينيز وعلى بعد دقيقتين من "لاغو مارتينيز" الشهير وعلى بعد 10 دقائق من قاعة المدينة. تضم المدرسة 7 فصولًا مضاءة جيدًا، وغرفة للمعلمين، وفناء، ومكتبًا، وفصولًا متعددة الوسائط ، ومنطقة ترفيهية مزودة بتلفزيون، وواي فاي، ومكتبة، وأقراص DVD. نظرًا لموقعها الرائع، ستكون على بعد دقائق فقط من الشواطئ الجميلة والفرص الترفيهية.
The SMS Spanish Experience’s teaching method is based on an action-oriented approach. We do not want you to despair of classes, that is too theoretical and only grammar oriented. Our aim is to make you listen, understand and – the most important – to make you talk Spanish. That is why our methodology has a communicative conception of language and the belief, that learning is constructive and meaningful. You learn by inferring, deducing and relating forms and meanings, using and doing things with the new language. So, in our Spanish school, you will not only learn in an academic way, but you will immerse into the Spanish language and its culture. The way to achieve this will depend on the students’ tastes and style of learning. As SMS Spanish Experience does not follow a rigid methodology, we can provide you with many different and exciting options to learn Spanish. Independently of which one you choose, you will always be able to enjoy our high-quality standards in education. First, our teachers will offer you alternatives and suggestions, always adapting the content to the student’s needs and not simply following a fixed teaching plan as many schools do. Second, the classes will be complemented by a comprehensive school activities program, that is always related to the learned content and to our focus on making you learn the language in a natural surrounding. Third, we will comfort you with a friendly and vibrant atmosphere at our school. Furthermore, we believe in the importance of diversity and quality of the teaching materials used. Therefore the classes will be held with the support of interactive whiteboards, adequate school books and Spanish learning materials created by our teachers. Not to be forgotten is the fact that all our teaching staff are native Spanish as well as highly educated and experienced in their profession.
The language school Canarias Cultural was founded in the year 2001 and is located in the heart of Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife (Canary Island- Spain). The school has facilities that include a computer room with free internet access and self-study materials, a library and a student lounge. We give importance to activities outdoors so every week the school organizes them as well as excursions for all the students. We also work with partner companies that organize complementary activities during the weekends.
The host are located in Tenerife and surrounding areas.
At Desilena our focus is on teaching at the highest level. The school has been accredited by Instituto Cervantes, wich means it meets the conditions set by the Instituto Cervantes Accreditation System for Centres, the only international accreditation exclusively focused on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. We teach both individual and group classes, and, in order to maintain our high levels of effectiveness, our groups are limited to 10 students. Our teaching timetable is from 9 a.m to 4 p.m., so if you wish to immerse yourself in learning Spanish you can do so. From the very first day of your course all lessons are taught completely in Spanish. We are located in new and modern premises where it is our hope that our students feel comfortable during the time they spend with us. Our classrooms are fully equipped and, from your first day with us, our staff will do everything possible to make you feel like a member of the Desilena family. During breaks students can rest, have tea or coffee, practice Spanish with other students, or use the library. Internet access is available and students can either use their own devices using our WiFi signal, or the school computers which are at their disposal. However, the most important thing is that in our school we have qualified teachers, with experience in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and you will see progress from the first day. Alongside learning vocabulary and grammar, through our teachers, you will come to know something of the culture, gastronomy and the spirit of the Spanish people. In addition, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities, such as dance, culture, films, cooking classes… in which we enjoy sharing our love of Spanish with you. If your enrolment is active, the weekly activities in the school are free for you. If you are not a Desilena’s student, the price per activity will be 5€. We love what we do, and because of this, we ask our students to complete questionnaires during their courses at our school so we can discover firsthand if there is anything we need to improve. If you are still not sure, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. We will be happy to pass on our passion for Spanish.
قضيت أسبوعين في الدراسة في الرسائل القصيرة. بشكل عام كنت راضيا عن الدورة التدريبية الخاصة بي. كان هناك جو ودي وترحيبي في المدرسة، مما ساعد على التعلم الجيد وحاولت المشاركة في جميع الأحداث التي تم تنظيمها بالإضافة إلى الفصول الدراسية. لقد... more
حضرت أنا وزوجي دورة لمدة أسبوع كانت جيدة جدًا. كان لدينا خمسة دروس مدة كل منها 45 دقيقة. تعليقي الوحيد هو أن تكلفة الدروس كانت باهظة الثمن. تبلغ تكلفة كل درس مدته 45 دقيقة 92.40 جنيهًا إسترلينيًا كل يوم. سأبحث عن خيار أرخص لمواصلة التعلم. أطيب... more
لك دورات في حالة كنت طالب,او في قطاع الاعمال او مدير تنفيذي,او مسافر هنالك دورات الاسبانية في تنريف لكل المستويات لكل الاعمار ولكل الاوقات فقط اختر نوع الدورةمن القائمة الاتي بالاسفل.