ILS is an internationally recognized language school in the center of Bern. Our school supports people from every age group and background with the acquisition of foreign languages. We offer courses in German, French, English Spanish and Italian on all levels. Another core area of the school is the organization of language stays in Bern. We welcome students from every part of the world, who, thanks to our experienced teachers, progress quickly in their endeavors to learn the German language. As a licensed test center for telc exams and as an EduQua certified language school, we guarantee utmost quality when it comes to language learning. Our core values include: • providing individual support for individual needs • a pleasant learning atmosphere • personal contact during lessons • the application of the learning in everyday life • the quality of the lessons, private or in small groups Would you like to learn the German language during a language stay and are look-ing for a versatile destination? Then you are exactly right in Switzerland! The small country offers not only an enormous cultural diversity and fascinating cities but also an imposing nature landscape in front of a uniquely beautiful mountain scenery. The overwhelming size of town and country life are close to each other - within a very short time you will travel from the city shopping mile to a small restaurant on the mountain peak. The multilingual country at the foot of the Alps is therefore not only about learning German, but also guarantees you an unforgettable travel experience. Make your language stay something special and collect unforgettable memories! During your stay with ILS Berne, you live in the Swiss capital of Switzerland, Bern. The small town is distinguished by its relaxed and open lifestyle, the ancient old town and its breathtaking view of the Alps panorama. You can expect unforgettable moments in a cosmopolitan and warm-hearted area - welcome to Bern! Joining launched groups is always possible!
A home away from home! Our campus is a fully ope- rational hotel that has been recently renovated and is located in the centre of Lenk. Facilities at the cam- pus include: Rooms are either for single or double occupancy and have their own bathrooms with bath or shower, hairdryers, cabinets and heating. The be- drooms include flat screen TVs, new beds, carpe- ting, desks and good lighting. Public facilities include a library, lounge with fire place, bar and restaurants, gym, sauna, steam bath, outdoor swimming pool and gardens as well as an in-house laundry. Wireless Internet is available throughout the campus. We will ensure that you feel comfortable and are well taken care of. It is important for you and SHML that you are happy and successful during your years in Lenk. A library is a place to pursue the truth, gain know- ledge and cultivate the mind. The school set up one classroom as a reading room, we kept increasing the number of books and added new facilities in or- der to keep pace with the needs of teaching and research as per demands of faculty members and students and to provide better services. As a school of Hotel Management, books related to this field are a special feature of the library collection. A virtual lib- rary of text kooks are also available in the academie moodle. The dining room is the heart of any school, welco- ming and providing an environment that encourages and increases the social interaction of students and staff. The food in school is also a useful resource for learning service techniques. Students can get excel- lent practical training in our dining room. Lenk offers a large variety of summer and winter sports and activities: Depending on the season, stu- dents can participate in such sports as volleyball, basketball or swimming. There is an on-campus gym and fitness centre, available for students free of charge. In summer there are long walking and trek- king trails, an 18 hole golf course, swimming, horse- back riding, cycling, mountain biking, tennis, paragli- ding, etc. In winter, students can ski, snowboarding, heli-skiing, cross country walks, sledge rides, hor- seback riding, skating, paragliding, curling, etc. A few minutes away is Gstaad, one of Switzerland’s leading resorts where the rich and famous ming- le and jingle. A full calendar of events is organized each year, including the Swiss Open – a major tennis tournament on the ATP Tour, the FIV Beach Volley Grand Slam and the Menuhin Music Festival. So, if you are tempted by some sports you have never tried before, lessons and equipment rental can easily be arranged. Excursions are plentiful: to Gstaad (30 minutes), Geneva (2 hours), Bern (1.5 hours), Zurich (2 hours), Milan (3.5 hours). Our tuition fees include all aspects of school life such as : * Accommodation (Double standard or *single standard room) * Meals ( Full board) * Housekeeping & laundry service * Health insurance * Cost for registration and residence permit * Uniform * Laptop * Swiss travel card * Student card * Yearly excursion to Europe * All kinds of study materials * Matriculation cost * Full internship assistant *Subject to an extra cost SHML Teachers are highly qualified to teach students Hospitality Management and Culinary Courses. Moreover, Lecturers are very helpful and friendly with students. Lecturers are directing students and teaching them to be creative and responsible.
A+ World Academy is a boarding school on a Tall Ship. Up to 60 students in grades 11 and 12 live and work the 90-year-old Norwegian Tall Ship, ‘Sørlandet’, while they take AP classes and travel the world. This high school is challenging, and that’s the point. High School at sea presents real-life political, social and environmental choices. Students live close to one another and must learn to communicate and show consideration. They have to relate to issues like water consumption, recycling, and pollution. They will take part in watches and daily duties on board and develop life skills such as leadership, accountability, and teamwork. They overcome challenges on a daily basis that has shown to strengthen character and confidence. The best part? They will have the opportunity to obtain a high school diploma with AP courses while exploring the world, having some extraordinary experiences and develop essential life skills that they can benefit from the rest of their lives.
جئتُ إلى ILS لتعلم اللغة الألمانية B2، وأعتقد أنني أحرزتُ تقدمًا كبيرًا خلال أربعة أسابيع. قبل أن أبدأ، كنتُ أعرف بعض الأساسيات فقط، ولم أكن واثقًا بما يكفي للتحدث، ولكن بعد دروس ILS، أصبحتُ أفهم أكثر بكثير في المواقف اليومية، ولديّ أيضًا الثقة لبدء... more
المعلمة تمارا لطيفة جدا. لديها خبرة كبيرة في تدريس اللغة الألمانية. لديها الكثير من الصبر ، ويمكنها استخدام طرق مختلفة للسماح للجميع بفهم ذلك. يا له من معلم رائع! موقع ILS جيد. إنه ليس بعيدًا عن محطة الترام. ومع ذلك ، قد تكون تكلفة الدورة باهظة... more
لك دورات في حالة كنت طالب,او في قطاع الاعمال او مدير تنفيذي,او مسافر هنالك دورات الإنجليزية في برن لكل المستويات لكل الاعمار ولكل الاوقات فقط اختر نوع الدورةمن القائمة الاتي بالاسفل.