CES Toronto
112 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1P5, Canada
CES Toronto
استماع, تحدث, لفظ, قراءة, كتابة, المفردات, قواعد بالإضافة ل الأنشطة
الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم
This course prepares students with the skills and strategies they need to make the transition to college and university. Students are encouraged to develop independence in a range of academic tasks. They will participate in seminars, lead classroom workshops; read and interpret a range of academic texts; take effective notes during lectures and class discussions: write essays, narratives, and reports; and apply a range of learning strategies and research skills effectively. Students will develop their ability to respond critically to print and media texts, such as news reports. Students will learn about academic culture, time management, academic integrity and collaborative learning as part of a successful post-secondary experience.
متوسط | 12 طلاب |
الحد الأقصى | 16 طلاب |
مدى العمر | 16 سنوات او اكثر |
متوسط | اعوام23لسن |
المدرسة موجودة في قلب تورونتو وهي واحدة من اشهر المعاهد في كندا. المدرسة متخصصة بتعليم الإنجليزية لمثلك من الطلاب الدولينن القادمين من دول اخرى وعي انشات منذ 1976. صفوف المعاهد محدود بعدد صغير (16 اقصى عدد طلاب) الإنجليزية وجميع المدرسين هم متحدثين اصليين ل. والمدرسون وكادر التدريس محبوبون ولطفاء جداوسيعتنون بك طوال فترة بقائك في تورونتو.
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in كندا. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
الجنسيات والاعمار مختلطة في المدرسة ودورات عديدة ومستويات عديدة وبفترات زمنية مختلفة. متوسط الاعمار هو 23 طوال العام.
المدرسة تحتوي على طلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك
المدرسة لا تعوض ايام مقابل هذه العطل، لذلك اختر بعناية موعد بدأ الدورة، المدرسة لا تقوم بعمل دروس بالعطلات الموضوعة ادناه.
My student advisor was extremely helpful and provided full support throughout the process. They answered all my questions, guided me through the enrollment, and made sure everything went smoothly. I really appreciated their assistance.
As for CES Language School, I enjoyed my time there. The class structure was well-organized, with a strong focus on practice, which helped improve my language skills significantly. The balance between theory and real-life application made learning engaging and effective.
Overall, my experience was very positive, and I would recommend both Language International and CES Language School to anyone looking for a structured and supportive language learning environment.
It was an experience that shaped me, helped me grow and understand many things. My English has improved a lot and I have lots of new friends. The structure was excellent, there were all the services: telephone sockets, always clean bathrooms, dining areas, study areas, play areas.
The only thing I didn't like at all were the activities, which it wasn't specified that they were excluded from the price or that they were in the afternoon. Despite this, even these were a great opportunity to make new friends and make new experiences.
I miss every day my dear CES School. It was for sure my greatest experience in a foreign country. There I could make lots of friends from many countries. When I arrived there my English was very poor in grammar and vocabulary, I was afraid when I was asked on the street about any address; slowly I gained confidence and some fluency. Definitely I would recommend this amazing school.
I loved every single moment!
Thank you very much for your support Luis! Please stay safe and keep in touch.
I liked the classes during the first 4 weeks with teacher Margaret the classes was Challenging, she was very good at explaining and she made sure we learn.
The next weeks really were a bit disappointing. I liked the location, it is a very central place, it has good facilities, I like that they organize integration activities with the students. I didn't like that most of the time the classes seemed improvised
I liked the convenient location of the school in the city center, next to the metro station.
Classes, training, schedule - everything was organized very conveniently.
The teachers were all attentive, polite, friendly and professional.
Unfortunately, I was able to study at school for only three weeks, then the school was closed for quarantine and classes were conducted online. But they were organized very quickly and we did not waste our time.
I also liked the online training, it was interesting and productive. The teachers at the CES school are all attentive, friendly and open.
The level of my English language improved greatly, I stopped being afraid, I felt free and enjoyed communicating with the teacher and classmates.
Thank you CES school!
Thank you very much for your feedback Guldzhamal! We wish you the best in your future pursuits.
First of all every member of this school is soo kind and friendly that it’s actually unbelievable. The location of the place was also amazing, it’s really in a good spot. Every student and people around there are so awesome, I really could say that I had one of the best experiences
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Everything was amazing. I was in +30 class and I've met very interesting people from so different spot around the word. I had two different teachers and both of them were very friendly and interesting. They've gave me a lots of acknowledgement about culture and life style.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...السكن مختار بعناية ويوفر كل سبل الراحة لطلاب ليتعلمو اكثر عن الثقافة المحلية بالتزامن مع دراستهم الإنجليزية في تورونتو. هذه المساكن بعيدة قرابة من 40 الى 60 دقيقة من خلال المواصلات العامة عن المدرسة. العائلات توفر الوجبات الممكنة لتتذوق الوجبات والاطعمة المحلية. اذا كان لديك حمية غذائية او تخفظات (بسبب الحالة الصحية او الدين), رجائا اطلعنا على ذلم لحتى نجد حلا. يبدأ السكن الخاص بك في يوم الأحد قبل أول يوم لك في الفصول وينتهي بيوم السبت بعد أخر يوم لك هناك الا بحالة خاصة موجودة. اقرا المزيد عن السكن
Homestay - Double room - Half board
Homestay - Double room - Full board
Homestay - Single room - Half board
Homestay - Single room - Full board
Executive Homestay - Single room - Half board
سكن الطلاب هو السكن المناسب لطلاب الذين يحبذون الاعتماد على النفس والذين يبحثون عن النظافة والترتيب ةب اسعار افتصادية. جميع الطلاب يجب ان يكونو 18+. يبدأ السكن الخاص بك في يوم الأحد قبل أول يوم لك في الفصول وينتهي بيوم السبت بعد أخر يوم لك هناك الا بحالة خاصة موجودة. سكن الطلاب لا يشمل اي وجبة غذائية. اقرا المزيد عن مقرات سكن الطلاب
Clarence Park Economy Downtown - Shared room - No meals
Tartu Student Residence - Economy suite room - No meals
Clarence Park 28 Langley Ave - Single room - No meals
Clarence Park Economy Downtown - 1 bedroom - No meals
Tartu Student Residence - Air Conditioned suite room - No meals
نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.
جواب القبول الخاص بك سوف يتم ارساله الى عنوان منزلك بالبريد العادي بدون رسوم إضافية منك.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to تورونتو based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.
هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي CES Toronto والطلاب السابقين.
اطرح سؤالاًCES Toronto