Sopot School of Polish for Foreigners
Ul.Haffnera 53/2 (main door is from ul.Goyki), Sopot, Poland 81-707, Poland
Sopot School of Polish for Foreigners
You can choose from the following class times:
الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم
In addition to our regular courses which have fixed dates, we offer private lessons. These tailor-made programmes are individually designed to suit the particular learning needs of our students. You can combine one-to-one tuition with a group course if you wish. One-to-one tuition gives you maximum flexibility, 100% of the teacher's attention and an opportunity to learn Polish at your own pace.
متوسط | طالب 1 |
الحد الأقصى | طالب 1 |
مدى العمر | 8 سنوات او اكثر |
متوسط | اعوام20لسن |
مدرسة Sopot of Polish for Foreigners هي مدرسة خاصة مستقلة للغات تأسست عام 1990. المدرسة مفتوحة طوال العام. مع وجود ما بين 30 و 50 طالبًا، نحن كبيرون بما يكفي لأن نكون مجتمعًا متنوعًا وديناميكيًا، ولكن صغيرًا بما يكفي لكل طالب ليولى عناية فردية. نحن نقدم فصول صغيرة، من المبتدئين إلى المستويات المتقدمة في أجواء ودية ومريحة. هدفنا هو توفير دورات عالية الجودة في البولندية كلغة أجنبية وتشجيع الاهتمام باللغة والثقافة البولندية.
الجنسيات والاعمار مختلطة في المدرسة ودورات عديدة ومستويات عديدة وبفترات زمنية مختلفة. خلال الصيف متوسط الاعمار هو 20.
تقع مدرسة سوبوت البولندية في وسط سوبوت. سوبوت هو منتجع ساحلي معروف مع تقاليد تعود إلى القرن التاسع عشر. في الصيف، تتردد المدينة مع صوت حشود المصطافين الذين يمشون على الرصيف أو يستمتعون بأشعة الشمس على الشاطئ. يوجد في سوبوت أماكن رائعة للترفيه والاستجمام: دور السينما، والمسارح، ودار الأوبرا، وملاعب التنس، ومعرض الفنون، ومسار السباق. جاذبية على قدم المساواة هو الموقع الجغرافي سوبوت. يقع على بعد 10 أميال فقط من غدانسك، المدينة التي احتلت مكانًا مميزًا في تاريخ بولندا الحديث باعتبارها مكان ميلاد سوليدرتي. العديد من المعالم الأثرية القوطية وعصر النهضة والباروك وأحواض بناء السفن والموانئ والمسارح والمتاحف والمعارض الفنية تجعل من غدانسك الألفية من أكثر المدن البولندية جاذبية لهذه الزيارة. تقع مدرستنا في الريف الخلاب ويقع بالقرب من غدانسك، وبالتالي فهو مكان مثير لا تنسى لمغامرة تعلم البولندية.
Without any formal language education of Polish I joined two other participants (only !) to improve my skills. Together with family atmosphere of the school my skills were boosted dramatically. It would be pitty not to continue so I have decided to go to a regular long term course in my location. Thank you.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...The school was very professional and the teachers were very good and friendly, I am happy with my decision to go to this school. Sopot is also a nice city with a lot to do.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Nice people, good teachers, and a very nice location. I felt very well taken care of and I would very much recommend this school. In addition teachers and staff also helped with extracurricular matters.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...It was a very professional school and my teacher was great, I did learn so much on my two weeks course. There was a lot of grammar and the teacher always had a topic for the day. I like that the classes were small, we were only 3 students in my group. The location for the school was great, I have nothing to complain at regarding location and building. (The toilet were quite noising though). I didn’t go for any of the activities so I’ve no feedback for that. Anyhow, everything was great and I would love to go back next year if I can manage it with my job.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Thank you for the review. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Do zobaczenia.
The teachers are very friendly, act like partners and consider everybody individually. We learned in small groups up to 6 students.
During the lessons there was always a pleasant atmosphere with a sense of humor. You could ask questions at any time.
The language lessons were very well structured starting with an easy warming up to get into the language, then followed by the more complicated structures and at the end listening and pronunciation of the polish letters and words. The more complicated structures were given to us in a very clear and step by step way. The lessons were interesting, it was never boring. The teachers have always motivated and supported us in learning Polish.This language is not an easy language to learn. But for me it was a real pleasure to be at school and to spend my time with the teachers and the other students in the class.
I have a proposal: We were always getting copies to fill in the right sentences and words. I would pay more for the course and then receive workbooks to read and fill in and to take home.
There were hardly any school activities to take part in the afternoon or evening. But I myself had enough ideas to spend my time in beautiful Sopot. I went swimming in the sea nearly every day and did at a lot of other interesting things.
The room I rented was very nice and in a beautiful area of Sopot. My landlord and landlady were very friendly and helpful.
Thank you for the review and the suggestions. Workbooks and afternoon activities like focus groups will be available from summer 2023. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Do zobaczenia.
The school was excellent to learn Polish. I have been there for three weeks, five hours a day. My class consists of 5 students so an intensive learning was guaranteed. The teachers were absolutely perfect and I am so happy that I took the chance to learn at this school! The teachers has considered the level of every student. Everything was explained in detail and in a way that I will never forget! GREAT! And the school is at the heart of Sopot. It is directly located at the train station. The distance to the beach is 800 meters, you can reach it by foot- GREAT!
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Thank you for the review! It's a pleasure to know that you have enjoyed the course in the Sopot School of Polish!
I went in with low expectations but ended up enjoying my time far more than I could have ever imagined! The classrooms were cozy and the teachers gave more personalized education since there weren't too many people in the group. I didn't attend the activities but saw that there was something for every single day after school if you wanted. The school is near the city center, just a few minutes walking distance away from the railway station to Gdansk and Gdynia.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Thank you for the review. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Do zobaczenia.
The first week was the best week. Our teacher, Malvina (not sure I'm spelling that correctly), was very motivated. She covered a lot of ground with us. The lessons were interesting, the pace was high so that I studied extra after classes. This way our skills grew rapidly. I stayed in Sopot that week, which was ideal. The beach nearby, school around the corner. I made some new friends, mostly Germans, and we shared some great moments.
During the second week I stayed in Gdansk, which was a twenty minute commute, but it wasn't a big deal as it was still close. The school was close to the train station, and the tickets were cheap. Gdansk is a beautiful city worth visiting. I had a great stay there too. When I return though, I think I will stay in Sopot the entire time. We had a different teacher, Kasia (same deal with the spelling), who was nice. Classes were slower, and she found her motivation by the second to last day which could have been better.
Overall I am happy with the school.
Thank you for the review. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Do zobaczenia.
My teacher, Paulina Jakubowska (I believe that is her last name) was excellent. She kept the class lively, fast-paced (but made sure we understood all of the material), and interesting. The field trips the school offered were excellent. I had a wonderful experience and recommend this school highly.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Thank you for the review. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Do zobaczenia.
My teacher was superb. What I liked most was the flexibility in terms of being able to set your own program. I needed something exactly matched to my Polish level, and focusing on reading and writing only. This turned out to be no problem, and I was very grateful for it.
The efforts made for social activities were definitely appreciated too.
Thank you for the review. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Do zobaczenia.
السكن مختار بعناية ويوفر كل سبل الراحة لطلاب ليتعلمو اكثر عن الثقافة المحلية بالتزامن مع دراستهم البولندية في سوبوت. هذه المساكن بعيدة قرابة من 15 الى 20 دقيقة من خلال المواصلات العامة عن المدرسة. العائلات توفر الوجبات الممكنة لتتذوق الوجبات والاطعمة المحلية. اذا كان لديك حمية غذائية او تخفظات (بسبب الحالة الصحية او الدين), رجائا اطلعنا على ذلم لحتى نجد حلا. يبدأ السكن الخاص بك في يوم الأحد قبل أول يوم لك في الفصول وينتهي بيوم السبت بعد أخر يوم لك هناك الا بحالة خاصة موجودة. اقرا المزيد عن السكن
Homestay - Single-person room
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.
رسالة القبول الخاصة بك سترسل لك على عنوانك بالبريد العادي من غير اي مصاريف او تكاليف.اذا رغبت بالحصول على الاوراق والبيانات ورسالة القبول عن طريق البريد السريع اكسبرس فعليك بدفع تكاليف ومصاريف الارسال عندما تقوم بعملية التسجيل 130 €.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to سوبوت based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.
هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي Sopot School of Polish for Foreigners والطلاب السابقين.
اطرح سؤالاًSopot School of Polish for Foreigners