Language Studies International (LSI): Auckland
10-12 Scotia Place, Auckland City, 1010, New Zealand
Language Studies International (LSI): Auckland
40حصة فردية بالأسبوع
من المستوى المبتدئ حتى المستويات المتقدمة
مدة الدورة: أي مدة
درس مدته 45 دقيقة (في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مدته 50 دقيقة)
بداية الدورات: الإثنين من كل أسبوع
تعتبر الخدمة التعليمية الفردية أسرع طريقة في تعلم اللغة. سواء كنت تحتاج اللغة العامية أو اللغة المتخصصة، كل دورة مصممة بالكامل بحسب احتياجاتك وتم تكييفها بحسب معدل التقدم اللغوي لديك. هذا هو الخيار المثالي للطلاب الذين لديهم أهداف محددة أو فترة زمنية محددة. وهي مثالية بالنسبة للمتخصصين والمسئولين التنفيذيين الذين يعدون لرحلة عمل خارج بلدهم أو المفاوضات أو الإعداد لتقديم عرض بلغة أجنبية. إن سمعتنا في التكيف والمرونة تعني أن المدربين سوف يستجيبون لأي متطلبات إضافية قد تحتاج إليها.
المدرسة لا تعوض ايام مقابل هذه العطل، لذلك اختر بعناية موعد بدأ الدورة، المدرسة لا تقوم بعمل دروس بالعطلات الموضوعة اعلاه.
الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم
متوسط | طالب 1 |
الحد الأقصى | طالب 1 |
مدى العمر | 16 سنوات او اكثر |
متوسط | اعوام24لسن |
يقع الحرم الجامعي لمدرسة أوكلاند الدولية للغات مباشرة في وسط أوكلاند ، في نهاية قصر سكوتيا، على مسافة قريبة من مناطق الجذب الرئيسية والتسوق وتناول الطعام والترفيه والنقل. يتم تقديم مجموعة واسعة من دورات اللغة الإنجليزية بأطوال زمنية مختلفة لتناسب احتياجات الطلاب. المعلمون مؤهلون وذوي الخبرة.
تقع المدرسة في مبني دراسة اللغات الدولية حيث تُطل الفصول الدراسية الكبيرة والمشرقة على أشجار النخيل فينيكس في منتزه مايرز - في الطوابق الأربعة الأولى من المبنى. تتوفر وسائل مواصلات ووسائل نقل عامة ممتازة في غضون بضع دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام ، كما يتوفر أيضا صالات الطلاب والمكتبات وأجهزة الكمبيوتر لاستخدام الطلاب وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية.
يتمتع التلاميذ بمتوسط 20 جنسية مختلفة. وباعتبارها القلب المالي والثقافي لنيوزيلندا، فإن أوكلاند (التي تسمى مدينة الأشرعة بسبب موانئها) لديها الكثير لتقدمه للزائرين - من وسائل التسوق الجذابة إلى معارض الفن الماوري والبولينيزي. البرنامج الاجتماعي لا يضاهيه شيء، مع فريق LSI لكرة القدم الذي لم يهزم وإمكانيات الترفيه التي لا نهاية لها، من القفز بالمظلات إلى التزلج ، ومن تذوق النبيذ إلى المشي في الأدغال النيوزيلندية، من رحلات الاسترخاء في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع إلى المتاحف وزيارات المسرح.
الجنسيات والاعمار مختلطة في المدرسة ودورات عديدة ومستويات عديدة وبفترات زمنية مختلفة. متوسط الاعمار هو 24 طوال العام. خلال الصيف متوسط الاعمار هو 24.
المدرسة تحتوي على طلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك
المدرسة لا تعوض ايام مقابل هذه العطل، لذلك اختر بعناية موعد بدأ الدورة، المدرسة لا تقوم بعمل دروس بالعطلات الموضوعة ادناه.
يقع الحرم الجامعي في وسط مدينة أوكلاند، على مقربة من المقاهي والمطاعم وعلى بعد 10 دقائق فقط سيرا على الأقدام من وصلات الحافلات. المدرسة لديها فصول دراسية مشرقة التي تطل على أشجار النخيل فينيكس في حديقة مايرز.
The school is well located in CBD and closed to bus stations or hostels.
Concerning the classes, there are not too many students in each class and the teachers are very kind and professionnals.
The school propose many activites each week to discover the city or just to meet the others students.
I really enjoyed it because it was very structured and I never did not knew what to do or what is happening. The teachers were very engaged and had a big focus on speaking exercises. They also tried to make the lessons fun with little games. My house family was perfect in my opinion. They were very caring and nice.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...the class was great, teachers patient and helpfull.
The sckool is located in the town so easy to acces and after school you can walk in the street
My stay was short, but I have apreciate all the other students
I really enjoyed my course and I feel I made a improvment with my English.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...My experience has been positive; learned a wide range of new lexis, the teacher and teaching were dinamic; Location was quite close to center and located with good communication; facilies were good although not always the materials and continuity of teachers substituting. Cofee and tea machines needed. Activities for the period were not updated in the corkboard and
we missed a variety of offers during the week and weekend; housing was correct. Not enough towel supply.
The location is near from my accommodation so that’s a 10/10, activities facilities and all the rest is pretty amazing as well. I’m not gonna complain at all
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...I like classes, teachers, location and housing.
I did not like facilities and activities.
I particularly appreciate teachers, facilities and location.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...I really liked doing activities with the other classmates because I think it's a good way to practice speaking I really liked everything during my week of classes.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Quite a large school, that gives a lot of opportunities to learn. I had normal classes and I quickly became part of a family. It was like with a new family, lot of active learning games, discussions, conversations with a rich activities program. I also had private aviation lessons, made just like I wanted them to be with a great teacher.
I met great people in my class as well as in the school. We spent a lot of time together everyday after classes. It couldn't be better experience.
I liked how you did the dispatching ; it's different to that I knew.
The teachers are serious and friendlies
You meet people of everywhere in the world so different accent also and you must learn with this difficult more
I don't participed location, activities, and housing.
I'm stayed only two weeks but it went a very very good experience
Thank you
LSI is a very good school to practice English. And the staff is very helpful and listening when you got some questions.
I felt immediately comfortable during my first day and I met very nice people there.
That was a great experience even if my staying was pretty short. However in only 2 weeks I really improved my English with the teachers but also in my home stay.
I definitely recommend that school!
Teachers are trying to do the best what is in their capabilities. Maybe some of a games are not such effective way of learning but I am very satisfied by LSI school. Overall effectivness of learning is quite on high level. If I would come again to New Zealand to study, I am sure my choice will be LSI again.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...It was a short time, but worth so much! Teachers and students was amazing, thank u!!! Hope to see u soon!!! I spend an amazing time there!!!
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Actually, I appreciated everything about this school and the accommodation. Both are absolutely recommended.
What I liked less was the undercooled classrooms.
The classmates were all very pleasant. Since I undertook a 3-week NZ trip after school, I did not take part in the trips organized by the school.
Student, teachers and facilities was quite good. It is a good school to stay for a long time. However, I went into this school because I wanted to do the nursing course, which was not possible because not enough student to open this course. So I did another course, which was General English and IELTS preparation. Even if I think that the lessons given was nicely done and complete I think it is a good course for people who want the IELTS with an average 6 or 6.5 but for me (7 in each part) it was not enough and I feel bored during the lesson.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...I greatly appreciated each moment I had spent at LSI in Auckland. As many other LSI's students, I was staying at the City Lodge Hotel , a few hundred meters behind the school: I just have to cross a very nice little park to reach the school. The accommodation was perfect for me: private bathroom and refrigerator but shared kitchen.
The first morning at LSI was devoted to a presentation of the administrative staff, a visit of the place and, more importantly, an evaluation of our English level so as to be assigned to the appropriate classes. This first contact, efficient and sympathetic, set the table for the rest of my stay.
I was assigned to two different groups of between 7 and 15 persons, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I liked the fact that the groups were relatively small, that I had to join the groups on-the-fly and my classmates were all younger than me. The teachers were all very competent, friendly and generous and the atmosphere in the class, specially that in the morning, was very warm so that even after a week, you feel like losing a friend when someone was leaving. Although I still have a lot to learn, my two weeks were highly beneficial.
Although several activities are offered during the weeks and the week-ends, I think the offer could be even more extended and more diversified. Especially when you only stay for a couple of weeks, you don't have much time to master all the possibilities of a country and you need help for transportation or for identifying cultural specialties or natural beauties.
I might have two negative comments, although of very minor importance. First, the student's room could potentially be redesigned so as to facilitate the access to the sink, the refrigerator, the cupboards and the microwave ovens at lunch time. Second, the WiFi access should be reliable at the school and free at the City Lodge.
The teacher was very good! He explained everything and was always friendly. I felt very comfortable in my class. I only didn't like that the class started nearly ten minutes late every day cause most of the students came in so late. The home-stay family I had was very lovely and I liked to stay with them. They gave me my own big room. We had delicious dinner together and did some things on the weekend.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...The class is quite excellent and the atmosphere is motivating and active. The teachers are both good and they help me a lot. However, the facilities there are lacking a little bit, and the location is not good since there is a red light district. Anyway, I like the communication during the class.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...My class was perfect! Everybody helped each others when we had a problem! The teacher, Stephanie, is great! I really enjoyed the lessons and I've learnt a lot of good things.
Maybe there is not enough space for having lunch or just relax with friends. I really enjoyed the time in my homestay too! Not too far away, nice people, nice house! Good memories from my time in Auckland.
I had a great class with very nice and smart people. I met a lot of friends and still have contact with them. I had two teachers and both of them was real professionals. Location was very good. I could go with train and 2 buses, around 30-40 min. I go only on soccer and Wednesday party. The house was very good. I had private room, very clean and family try everything to feel comfortable and calm.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...I just spent a week at LSI. I was returning from a work trip at Australia, and decided to have the experience of studying in another country. I´ve studied English from age 10 to 17 in Brazil. And, to my surprise, my third-world country wasn´t so bad at teaching English! The week I spent at LSI was very similar to Brazilian English classes. I confess that I got a little disappointed with the school´s method of teaching English to students of such different countries and cultures. I was expecting for the classes to be more dynamic, with less book work and more street practicing. The classes in LSI for a foreign student are a little boring. And, I can´t forget to talk about LSI´s mistake of booking me in a homestay with pets (I had informed in the application that I am allergic). So, I had to find by myself a hotel (Kiwi) and pay more for my accommodation.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Class: a lot of very young people and german spoken guys teachers: excellent location: in the center of auckland - great just my homestay families home was approx.. (walking, catching the two buses... ) 50 minutes located from the school BUT at least the area was great school facilities: they need to be renovated housing: GREAT FAMILY!!! We still keep in touch!
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...السكن مختار بعناية ويوفر كل سبل الراحة لطلاب ليتعلمو اكثر عن الثقافة المحلية بالتزامن مع دراستهم الإنجليزية في أوكلاند. هذه المساكن بعيدة قرابة من 30 الى 60 دقيقة من خلال المواصلات العامة عن المدرسة. العائلات توفر الوجبات الممكنة لتتذوق الوجبات والاطعمة المحلية. اذا كان لديك حمية غذائية او تخفظات (بسبب الحالة الصحية او الدين), رجائا اطلعنا على ذلم لحتى نجد حلا. يبدأ السكن الخاص بك في يوم الأحد قبل أول يوم لك في الفصول وينتهي بيوم السبت بعد أخر يوم لك هناك الا بحالة خاصة موجودة. اقرا المزيد عن السكن
Homestay - Single room - Bed & Breakfast
Homestay - Single room - Half Board
Executive Homestay - Single room - Bed & Breakfast
Homestay - Single Room - Half Board - Under 18's
Executive Homestay - Single room - Half Board
Executive Homestay - Single Room - Half Board - Under 18's
سكن الطلاب هو السكن المناسب لطلاب الذين يحبذون الاعتماد على النفس والذين يبحثون عن النظافة والترتيب ةب اسعار افتصادية. جميع الطلاب يجب ان يكونو 18+. يبدأ السكن الخاص بك في يوم الأحد قبل أول يوم لك في الفصول وينتهي بيوم السبت بعد أخر يوم لك هناك الا بحالة خاصة موجودة. سكن الطلاب لا يشمل اي وجبة غذائية. اقرا المزيد عن مقرات سكن الطلاب
Park Towers residence - Double room - Self-catering
YMCA Student residence - Double room - Self-catering
YMCA Student residence - Twin room (2 beds) - Self-catering
City Lodge (No meals) - Double, private bathroom
City Lodge (No meals) - Twin (2 beds)
YMCA Student residence - Single room - Self-catering
City Lodge (No meals) - Single, private bathroom
Park Towers residence - Single room - Self-catering
نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.
رسالة القبول الخاصة بك سترسل لك على عنوانك بالبريد العادي من غير اي مصاريف او تكاليف.اذا رغبت بالحصول على الاوراق والبيانات ورسالة القبول عن طريق البريد السريع اكسبرس فعليك بدفع تكاليف ومصاريف الارسال عندما تقوم بعملية التسجيل NZ$ 145.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to أوكلاند based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.
هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي Language Studies International (LSI): Auckland والطلاب السابقين.
اطرح سؤالاًLanguage Studies International (LSI): Auckland