Methodology Revisited Revitalised Renergised Language Teaching Methodology - 2 weeks

Executive Training Institute -Malta


مواضيع الدرس


الجدول الزمني للصف

مدة الدورة
52-1 اسابيع
تواريخ البدء
24 مار 2025, 07 أبر 2025, 21 أبر 2025, 02 يون 2025, 16 يون 2025, 30 يون 2025, 14 يول 2025, 28 يول 2025, 11 أغس 2025, 18 أغس 2025, 29 سبت 2025, 13 أكت 2025, 27 أكت 2025 بالإضافة ل 10 نوف 2025
الدروس لكل أسبوع
25 دروس لكل اسبوع مدة كل درس 60 دقيقة
أيام الدروس
يوم الاثنين - الجمعة

وقت الدرس

UTC 09:00 - UTC 12:25
بعد ظهر اليوم الدورة
UTC 01:00 - UTC 02:30

الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم

وصف الدرس

This 2 week course is specifically developed with the needs of secondary, tertiary, vocational and adult English language teachers and other language teachers in mind.

During this course you will be introduced and given the opportunity to practise and review a number of techniques and methods that will help enliven your language classes, allowing you to create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment.

You will tackle areas such as learning styles, pronunciation, creating your own materials using online software and more.

Some sessions include a focus on integrating technology into your teaching and lessons. During the activities and group discussions, you will have the opportunity to further explore, review and develop your teaching skills.

You will also be encouraged to reflect on the activities and develop your own Personal Development Action Plan, identifying which tools, methods and activities you want to include in your own language lessons.

This course draws on the results of the BP-BLTM Best Practice –Best Language Teaching Methods Project (BP–BLTM). This is an EU Project set out to explore communicative teaching methods, and to write manuals, lessons and videos which can be utilised by teachers within the EU.

During this course, you will have the opportunity to:

obtain a better understanding of language teachingdevelop your own knowledge and skills using a range of hands-on methodologies and techniquesbe actively involved in the sessions to maximise your learning and to experience activities from your learners’ point of viewreflect on your own teaching methods and contexts as well as develop new teaching skillsbe introduced to technology you could use in your classroomexchange pedagogical information & knowledge in a multicultural contextfurther develop your own English language skillsbe introduced to websites related to the further development of your own teaching skills & personal professional development.
In addition:

you will benefit from a subscription to our e-Learning online site to further develop your language knowledge and skills. This service is available to you from registration until 3 months after the end of your further your learning and networking potential with trainers and other fellow trainees and colleagues you will be provided with an opportunity to join the ETI teacher training Facebook group.
This course is eligible for funds under Erasmus+

مستوى الصف

متوسط أعلى
You will take a placement test before your arrival in St Julian's to determine your class level.

حجم الصف

متوسط 10 طلاب
الحد الأقصى 15 طلاب

سن الطالب

مدى العمر 24 - اعوام75لسن
متوسط اعوام41لسن


سيتم إصدار شهادة الإتمام في نهاية الدورة.
اقرأ أكثر ...


  • Executive Training Institute -Malta 1/7
  • Executive Training Institute -Malta 2/7
  • Executive Training Institute -Malta 3/7
  • Executive Training Institute -Malta 4/7
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 5/7
  • Apartments offered by Executive Training Institute -Malta 6/7
  • Apartments offered by Executive Training Institute -Malta 7/7


100% يوصي بها

اعتمادا على 7 تعقيبات
نجمات 5
نجمات 4
نجمات 3
1 نجمة
جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة

"One of the best courses I have ever been to"

Zuzana Vicianová, الطالب من سلوفاكيا

The best part of the course was the teacher- patient, funny, kind, energetic.. and and my classmates- I have found 2 new friends from 2 different countries. The content of the course was perfect for me. I have learnt a huge number of apps and programmes which are interesting and inovative. I will definitely use them on my lessons. I appreciate the timing- afternoon we had time to explore Malta, we experienced trips to Valleta, Mdina...with an excellent guide - Mario. Thank the school for that! The price for the trips was fantastic! But... I must complain about one thing. I was in Malta and this institute for the first time, I didn´t know there is an option to be acommodated in the building upstairs. Nobody asked me/told me. I booked Tropicana hotel, which is located nearby, 1minute on foot...excellent location, but! The worst experience. Terrible conditions, dirty, poor breakfast, poor services etc, So please...inform participants about acommodation- where to stay? my classmates were in different hotel, but.. also complained about night bars below their windows, etc. It would be really helful if you help with best places where to stay and where not. THANK YOU,

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
26 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"The best teacher ever!"

Elisabeth Davidsson, الطالب من السويد

Our teacher was wonderful, she was engaging, encouraging, funny, well prepared and did her best to make us students feel comfortable and seen. I learned a lot!

The amount of students in the class was perfect, about 12-ish. The lessons were held at a hotel, which was nice, I would be nicer though if there was a coffee- machine availible as the there was (in my opinion) not enough time to buy drinks during the breaks.

I attended two guided tours, one to Valleta and one to Mdina, and I recommend them both!

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
3 Jul 2023 - 7 Jul 2023
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"A huge amount of for me new & exciting apps and skills."

Regina Barbara Margreth Bah, الطالب من سويسرا

I would never have imagined that I would get so much - for me new infomation on ICT skills in just one week. I liked our teacher, Jo Borg, a lot. She was so motivating and full of energy. - The problem was, however, that my IT knowledge was too basic for this course " Boost up your ICT skills in the classroom". I wish I could redo this course at a slower speed.
It's great that Jo has sent us all the documents, apps and information by email so that there is a chance to go over it again. On the other hand, I think I would really like to attend such a course again.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
24 Jul 2023 - 28 Jul 2023
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"The school is fantastic, teachers are great and lessons are usefull combination with holiday is the best experience ever."

Diana-Almut Ciencialová, الطالب من جمهورية التشيك

The classes are with good equipment. Teachears are great. I coul understand everything. Location is good, in the centre. I had first week Fluency and speaking lesons, they were useful, it remainded me english grammar, but they were teo ladies with better english then me, so they just tolked and I havent to much space to speak how I wanted. But the second week I have got The Playground Class - I am enjoying it so much. The lector- Lorenza is so great, she teach us nice activities for working with kids, she is amazing how she can give us information with lots of enthusiasm and passion. Big thank you

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
10 Jul 2023 - 14 Jul 2023
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Spice up your teaching"

Isabelle LEGEAIS, الطالب من فرنسا

Every thing was very well organised, from the airport pick up, to the classes.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
18 Apr 2022 - 22 Apr 2022
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"It was OK but I have some ideas how it could be better."

Alice Bílková, الطالب من جمهورية التشيك

The classes were really great, except the first day, which was filled with theory. But I was tired after long flight so it could be because of that. From the second day on, the classes were really useful, full of new ideas or ideas I knew already with different usage. The teacher was helpful, always very well prepared. We did quite a lot of different activities but sometimes there was not enough time to practice them, nevertheless all of us were teachers so we could easily adopt them to our usage. The location is great not far from the capitol, the sea etc. As I organized my housing by myself I will skip this.

At the first day at school I would rather find my name on a list of names and find my classroom by myself. We had to wait for an hour than Sandra read all the names, which was difficult for her either. I understand that it was also kind of check whether we are all present , but it could have been done in the classrooms. And also in our course prize was included 1 trip and there should be 2 more afternoon activities which were due to covid measurements cancelled, but nobody told us whether they will be refund. Also the computer activities were not as helpful as it could be.

All in all I enjoyed the course, I was happy that I could underwent both weeks of this methodology course, which was not possible before I left.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
5 Jul 2021 - 9 Jul 2021
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"I had quite productive week and had a chance practice my English."

Azer Isayev, الطالب من أذربيجان

I am confident that I had great experience at training and it will help me in the future.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
26 Aug 2019 - 30 Aug 2019
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.


المدرسة توفر انواع المسكن التالية:

طالب الإقامة - غرفة لشخص واحد - لا وجبات


Student residence (on-campus) - Single-person room - No meals

مدى العمر : 18 - اعوام81لسن
العنوان: Paceville Avenue, St.Julian's, St.Julian's STJ3103, Malta
موقع: In the city center of St Julian's
نوع المسكن: طالب الإقامة (في الحرم الجامعي)
نوع الغرفة: غرفة لشخص واحد
خطة الوجبة: لا وجبات
المرافق: حمام خاص, الانترنت اللاسلكي, الإنترنت مجانا, سجادة, تكييف الهواء, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل 24/7 الإشراف
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 1 دقائق بواسطة other
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, قبل 03:00 م
المغادرة: الأحد, بعد 11:00 ص
Our In-house Residence is located within the same building as ETI, right in the heart of St. Julian’s.

Booking a room in our In-house Residence gives you the comfort and convenience of eliminating all travel time by training and residing in-house for the duration of your stay.

Due to the prime location of ETI and the residence, you will be close to all amenities, including cafés and restaurants.

All our rooms are modern, twin-bedded with private bathroom, and include a desk, air-conditioning and free Wi-Fi. Breakfast is offered at the in-house cafeteria, and you will have the added security of our 24/7 reception desk.

شقة - 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - لا وجبات


Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals

مدى العمر : 18 - اعوام80لسن
العنوان: Moletta Street , Swieqi, St.Julian's STJ3103, Malta
موقع: Outside the city center of St Julian's
نوع المسكن: شقة مشتركة
نوع الغرفة: 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: لا وجبات
المرافق: حمام خاص, مطبخ, مغسلة, الانترنت اللاسلكي, الإنترنت مجانا, تكييف الهواء, بالإضافة ل تدفئة
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 15 دقائق بواسطة walk
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, قبل 03:00 م
المغادرة: الأحد, بعد 11:00 ص
For those who would rather have the flexibility and independence offered by a self-catering apartment, we can offer you new three-bedroomed apartments or five -bedroomed apartments on a self-catering basis. Our Residence Apartments are located in Swieqi ,within walking distance to ETI.

The apartments are bright and spacious, fully air-conditioned and are furnished to high standards. They all include a well-equipped kitchen and free Wi-Fi service.

خدمة التأشيرات

نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.

جواب القبول الخاص بك سوف يتم ارساله الى عنوان منزلك بالبريد العادي بدون رسوم إضافية منك.

الرحلات الجوية ونقل المطار

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to St Julian's based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

التأمين على السفر

الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.

معرفة المزيد حول خطة التأمين لدينا »

اقرأ أكثر ...

الأسئلة & الإجابات

هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي ‪Executive Training Institute -Malta‬ والطلاب السابقين.

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