Intensive French Course

Sprachcaffe Rabat


مواضيع الدرس

استماع, تحدث, لفظ, قراءة, كتابة, المفردات بالإضافة ل قواعد

الجدول الزمني للصف

مدة الدورة
52-1 اسابيع
تواريخ البدء
كل يوم الاثنين (باستثناء للمبتدئين) الشهر
تواريخ البدء للمبتدئين
07 أبر 2025, 05 ماي 2025, 02 يون 2025, 07 يول 2025, 21 يول 2025, 04 أغس 2025, 18 أغس 2025, 01 سبت 2025, 06 أكت 2025, 03 نوف 2025 بالإضافة ل 01 ديس 2025
الدروس لكل أسبوع
30 دروس لكل اسبوع مدة كل درس 45 دقيقة
أيام الدروس
يوم الاثنين - الجمعة
العطل المدرسية
31 مار 2025, 01 ماي 2025, 27 يون 2025, 30 يول 2025, 14 أغس 2025, 20 أغس 2025, 21 أغس 2025, 05 سبت 2025, 06 نوف 2025, 18 نوف 2025

المدرسة لا تعوض ايام مقابل هذه العطل، لذلك اختر بعناية موعد بدأ الدورة، المدرسة لا تقوم بعمل دروس بالعطلات الموضوعة اعلاه.

وقت الدرس

UTC 09:00 - UTC 02:00
بعد ظهر اليوم الدورة
UTC 01:00 - UTC 02:30

الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم

وصف الدرس

Students who want to learn French in a unique and captivating city will find Rabat the perfect destination. With the city’s natural beauty, ancient charm and inviting culture students will immerse themselves in the city’s wonder while learning French in an idyllic holiday paradise. Enjoy Morocco’s exotic colours, cuisine, sights and sounds while acquiring a lifelong language skill and creating unforgettable memories.

With the Intensive Course, more emphasis is placed on learning, thus leaving less free time for extra curricular activities. Six daily lessons help you to make effective progress in a much shorter time.

The six lessons that you will have each day are as follows:

2 lessons - grammar and general vocabulary exercises
2 lessons - conversation
2 lessons - reading, understanding texts, listening, writing

The course structure may vary depending on the individual teachers and students. The topics may refer to current articles from local newspapers and magazines. We work with texts that match the students' language skills. This way, the texts and topics can be discussed actively by the group.

*There is a possibility of a textbook rental or purchase at school.

مستوى الصف

ما قبل المتوسطة
متوسط أعلى
سوف تأخذ اختبار تحديد المستوى في اليوم الأول الخاص بك لتحديد مستوى الصف الخاص بك. تستطيع أن تخوضهذا الامتحان قبل وصولك في region !

حجم الصف

الحد الأقصى 12 طلاب

سن الطالب

مدى العمر 18 سنوات او اكثر


سيتم إصدار شهادة الإتمام في نهاية الدورة.
اقرأ أكثر ...


  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 1/21
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 2/21
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 3/21
  • النشاطات المعروضة بالمدرسة 4/21
  • Sprachcaffe Rabat 5/21
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 6/21
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 7/21
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 8/21
  • حصص ١ الى ١ بالمدرسة 9/21
  • طلاب بالمدرسة 10/21
  • Parade 11/21
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 12/21
  • استقبال المدرسة 13/21
  • بناء المدرسة 14/21
  • غرفة الدراسة بالمدرسة 15/21
  • بناء المدرسة 16/21
  • بناء المدرسة 17/21
  • بناء المدرسة 18/21
  • بناء المدرسة 19/21
  • Sprachcaffe Rabat 20/21
  • بناء المدرسة 21/21


83% يوصي بها

اعتمادا على 18 تعقيبات
نجمات 5
نجمات 4
نجمات 3
1 نجمة
جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة


Mariko Shimizu, الطالب من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

I really enjoyed every day in Rabat! I was in Riad in Sale which was quite far from the school ( needed two taxis and walking) but I found out I can walk to school (1 hour and 30 mins) and I enjoyed everyday walking to school because the scenery was SOOO beautiful on the way, the historical architectures, modern trams, the river, the sea, etc. I ended up with walking everywhere in Rabat and Sale all day long and it was so fun! I met many Moroccan talking to me, and I made many new friends in Rabat! I also loved the school. My teacher was Abyr with 4 other classmates. I asked every question that I did not understand, but she is super personable and patient. I enjoyed the topics that she brings about in class every day. I feel like I learned SOOO much in only one week! I would love to come back next summer to learn from her again and experience more in Rabat!

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Jul 2024 - 5 Jul 2024
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Wonderful learning experience in a great setting"

Rob Frankin, الطالب من هولندا

I joined Ima’ s classes for 4 weeks and had a great time. The level of French was exactly right for me and I feel I made good progress. The classes were small with only 5-6 students of all ages and colors which made all the interactions interesting and enjoyable. Outside class time there was plenty to do in Rabat and surroundings. During the weekends it was super easy to get out to other places and enjoy Moroccan culture. My stay at Husain and Aicha and their two adorable kids was fantastic: a truly Moroccan experience and good opportunities to speak French.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to get away from home and delve into an immersion language experience. As a matter of fact I am pretty sure I will consider going again if I get the opportunity

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
3 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
13 Feb 2023 - 10 Mar 2023
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Small school"

X, الطالب من ألمانيا

- the levels of the members were too different
- teacher spend so much time on the mobile phone

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
13 Feb 2023 - 17 Feb 2023
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"Lovely school and very interesting city"

Ursina Derungs, الطالب من سويسرا

Extremely great teacher, the lessons were very educational, the accommodation very well located, great service and great breakfast, I really liked the little Riad, where stayed

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
13 Jun 2022 - 17 Jun 2022
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Pia Henriette Falschebner, الطالب من ألمانيا

Excellent teacher, enjoyed every bit of it! Great choice of teaching material - I not only learned a lot in terms of language, but also really enjoyed all the interesting discussions we had and the variety of topics covered. Our teacher did a great job adjusting to our needs and interests! Since we were only two students in my class we were able to make some good progress and had loads of opportunities to practice both our speaking and writing. I would definitely come back!

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
16 May 2022 - 27 May 2022
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Nice experience and spicy grammar"

Eline van Drongelen, الطالب من هولندا

My trip was postponed for 2 years because of corona. In those 2 years I had continued to practice conversations in Arabic but I had forgotten much of the grammar. Also, because I had done almost everything alone until now, I had never learned the grammatical terms in Arabic. Plural, masculine, feminine.. that's why it was difficult for me to follow the first lesson. I didn't really feel like doing that grammar again, but we also practiced a lot of speaking and listening. With private lessons, I really liked that the teacher wrote her lesson for me on paper, and not on the blackboard. So after every lesson I received a "treasure" of information without spelling mistakes. I do sometimes think: it wouldn't have been better if I had done fewer grammar topics and then with a lot more practice sentences on paper. Now all grammar has been retrieved again, I largely understand it, but can't apply it. I'm afraid it will go away soon.

After my entry test results, it was decided to give me private lessons. I thought that was a good idea in itself, but I thought it was a shame that I didn't meet other students that way. I only met them on the last day at the cooking class and there were very interesting people with studies and work on conflict zones, human rights, etc. Just like me. I'm really sorry I spoke to them so briefly. I had just booked an 11-day trip in the hope of traveling a bit with people I would meet, now I've been on the road alone for 10 days.

I have a lot of travel experience, know Morocco and West Africa so enjoy the souk, the markets, sitting on the beach on a Saturday afternoon watching so much water-sand-fun, museums, a day in Tangier with the TGV. Without host family and without travel experience, it would have been very boring.
My host family was very cordial and I had a beautiful living space. They also gave me the space to go out alone. Too bad the children only spoke French. So during the meals we couldn't speak Arabic. The television was also always on the French language. And the last 2 days there was a student who came for Frans. Thus, the family was not an "immersion" in the Arabic language. Now I knew that I wouldn't hear Arabic on the street in Morocco either. I have always practiced with taxi drivers. I would then mix up French and Arabic all the time which made for funny contacts and better than not practicing at all.
My time in Morocco was all in all a lot of fun. I especially found the conversations about daily life interesting. The pressure from private education, the costs, the pressure for children to perform. The change from large to small families.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
23 May 2022 - 27 May 2022
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Learning any new language should start with alphapitic letter, they start as i am in second level. I dont benefit."

Ali Alghamdi, الطالب من المملكة العربية السعودية

Rabat is very good and safe, i love it
How the way they teach, no i don't like it.
I studied my in English in USA, and i just compare..

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
7 Mar 2022 - 11 Mar 2022
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Great school, amazing teachers, very helpful staff"

Elena I, الطالب من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

I totally recommend this school to anyone! My experience was 5 stars out 5 all ways around! I've made a lot of progress , learned a lot. The lessons were structured perfectly, very attentive teachers who tailor the lesson According to students ' needs. Only nice things to be told!

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الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
5 Jul 2021 - 16 Jul 2021
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Short curriculum but very intensive learning"

Naoyoshi Nishijima, الطالب من أفغانستان

The location is good, so you can find this school easily. I learned Arabic here only one week but my Arabic skill improved very much thanks to its good teacher. As I am Japanese, I had to speak English. Then, I got very tired and wanted sweets for my brain but fortunately, sweets and tea are prepared.

If you learn a language here long, you can experience other activities like Arabic calligraphy. And I stayed at a hotel in Rabat Medina because of the short curriculum but if you stay longer, you should stay in other way.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
2 Mar 2020 - 6 Mar 2020
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Great school in the heart of Rabat"

Francesco Garosi, الطالب من ايطاليا

I chose Sprachcaffe Rabat to improve my knowledge of Arabic language: I wanted to study in a quiet place, not very far from home and the Moroccan capital seemed a perfect location. The institute is takes the activity seriously, and before admission to a course the student has to pass an exam, needed to verify the level and the class. The environment is welcoming and relaxed, and the teachers are well prepared: for my intermediate level the lessons focused on conversation, culture, and some particular aspects of the grammar. The fact that classes consist of a small number of students also contributes to the experience.

The institute also organizes activities and trips outside the courses: the only drawbacks are that there is a minimum number of students for each activity and that sometimes the activities themselves may take place in the same hours as the lessons. Otherwise they are interesting and inexpensive.

Also, the solution chosen for the housing (i.e. a very nice and friendly riadh in Salé with wonderful breakfasts included in the service) has revealed to be excellent for my needs, especially thanks to the very efficient tramway in Rabat.

I found the course useful and rewarding, therefore I can definitely recommend Sprachcaffe Rabat.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
تاريخ الدراسة
14 Oct 2019 - 1 Nov 2019
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"The first time I genuinely enjoyed learning French"

Abigail Christ-Rowling, الطالب من كندا

I have taken French classes for a long time in my life but I have never had the confidence or the want to speak it. At Sprachcaffe I enjoyed the classes, my teachers, my classmates and overall the entire experience. I stayed with a host family, they welcomed me with such open arms and gave me the comfort I needed as well as an insane amount of delicious food. I highly recommend Sprachcaffe and Sprachcaffe in Rabat to anyone keen to experience a different culture, meet wonderful people, while simultaneously learning a language.

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المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
6 May 2019 - 17 May 2019
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Very disappointing."

Kristie Smit, الطالب من أفغانستان

The manager put me in the advanced class even though I only scored A2 . They only had two group classes, one for beginners (A1) and the other was for advanced students (B1.2 would be my guess, as I work at a language school and am well aware of the levels). They, therefor, could not accommodate me. They did not want to give me my money back as they said I should have asked for my money back before the course had started. They should have told me that they could not help me after I had written the placement test, stating that my level was A2. Furthermore, the teacher was very arrogant and disrespectful of my culture and language. Also, he only spoke about philosophy, politics and economics in the class, which are not topics that are included in A2. Last but not least, there was no grammar training that took place in 3 hours.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Apr 2019 - 5 Apr 2019
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Very effectiv for learning about a new language and culture aswell"

Philipp Schulte, الطالب من ألمانيا

Have been there for 2 weeks to learn french,
because nobody else had the same (total beginner) level of french i was even upgraded to private lessons. I also really enjoyed the activities Sprachcafe offered outside school, like trips to other cities, etc.
I recommend to use the homestay option to get to now the culture aswell, i really felt integrated into the marocian family I stayed with. I should really point out the homestay manager who often worked overtime to be there for his clients.
Having problems with injuries, sickness, culture fatigue, wifi or you just want to spend some free time? He takes care of it . A very good example for the marocian hospitality i guess. I spend a really good time learning a new language and enjoying marocian food and culture!

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Apr 2019 - 12 Apr 2019
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Very interesting, instructive and nice stay"

Jürg Raduner, الطالب من سويسرا

Sprachcaffe is ideally located in the centre of Rabat, just 5 minutes walking from the main train station "Rabat Ville" (if you arrive from Casablanca by high speed train, you will have to get off the train at "Rabat Agdal"). The teachers are very friendly and extremely helpful, also when it comes to change the class due to a switching to a different level. Facilities are good and clean. I have not experienced the proposed activities, as I preferred to visit different locations / cities on my own. Prices for activities are however a bit on the high side. Housing was extremely good, a perfect host family, caring for us at the utmost; their cooking was just divine! The cold and damp weather in January was a real challenge, it would greatly help to have at least a small heater in the bedroom…

The overall experience was very positive, and I can only recommend Sprachcaffe to students from around the world. The fact that you can learn Arabic AND French in Rabat is certainly a great opportunity for people eager to do so. My special thanks goes to Safaa, the school director; very professional and friendly.

Wish you all the best in your continuation.
with my best regards,

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الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
7 Jan 2019 - 18 Jan 2019
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"The teacher was very professional."

Leea Kukkonen, الطالب من فنلندا

The teacher and location are good. There was no social activities due to lack of participants.

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
12 Nov 2018 - 16 Nov 2018
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"Good school, lack of practice"

Yuefeng Liu, الطالب من الصين

In general, it's quite a pleasant time that i spent in Rabat for 2 months. The school teacher Ouiame was very professional and patient, also had a lot of experience dealing with Arabic beginners. Personally I felt the class was going too fast because I didn't review much and didn't have much chance to practice because not everyone in Morocco speaks classic Arabic. That is one of the most negative points to study Arabic in Morocco, even though it's actually nothing to do with the school itself.

The school is located in the very center of Rabat, quite easy to move around because train station is a 5 minutes walk from school, facilities, activities ok. Housing in my case, is a bit too far from school (Riad dar Baddi, Sale), it's about 6-8 km away. I was always late in the beginning due to the traffic, then i got used to it.

Housing was ok in general, apart from the far location, the owner's daughter was mostly in charge the whole time, didn't particularly like her attitude being the person in charge. Food quantity not enough, not accepting complaints, refusing to improve service quality.

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جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
7 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
13 Nov 2017 - 5 Jan 2018
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"A really good program with a good teacher"

susanne hammer, الطالب من النرويج

The first day I had some trouble finding the right building. So a bigger sign wouldn't hurt. I am really satisfied with the course! My teacher was great- she really spoke English well and know how to teach! The facilities were good. I'm happy!

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
27 Feb 2017 - 3 Mar 2017
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Classes were informative and helped me to progress in Arabic."

Raymond Hélène, الطالب من فرنسا

I came for a refresher of my Arabic that I had forgotten. I think these three weeks of classes were beneficial to me and I have really progressed during my stay in Rabat. I liked the way the teacher begins her lesson by making us speak in turn. The exercises were varied, it was informative and not at all boring. The presentations at the weekend were also a good idea. The courses correspond to what I expected .
I stayed at a hotel so I can not comment about the home-stay .
The school is very well located in Rabat, next to the street, Mohamed V.
I have not participated in activities because I did not stay long enough in Rabat , I also think it would be better to stay longer.
The whole team seemed very friendly and competent in my opinion.
I do not know how to describe the facilities in English so I cannot answer.

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تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
تاريخ الدراسة
1 Aug 2016 - 19 Aug 2016
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.


المدرسة توفر انواع المسكن التالية:

الإقامة - غرفة لشخص واحد - الفطور والعشاء


Homestay - Single Room - Half Board

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of الرباط
نوع المسكن: الإقامة
نوع الغرفة: غرفة لشخص واحد
خطة الوجبة: الفطور والعشاء (14 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: مطبخ, مغسلة, بالإضافة ل هاتف
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 5 - 30 دقائق بواسطة bus
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
Single rooms in our carefully-selected host families. We ask our students to respect their family's cultural beliefs and daily routine, and to follow their requests with regard to meal times, curfews and dress codes. Breakfast and dinner are included.
Check-in time: 08:00 - Midnight.

Services: The room is cleaned weekly by the host family. Bed-linen is provided; students are asked to bring their own towels.

Distance to school: 5 - 30 minutes away by bus. Early bookings can not be guaranteed a family closer to the school than others.
Distance to supermarket: 0 - 10 minutes away by bus
Distance to the beach: 20 - 40 minutes away by bus

Key deposit: None

طالب الإقامة - 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - إفطار


Riad (Courtyard Guesthouse) - Double Room - Bed & Breakfast

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of الرباط
نوع المسكن: طالب الإقامة (خارج الحرم الجامعي)
نوع الغرفة: 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: إفطار (7 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: حمام خاص, مطبخ, الانترنت اللاسلكي, تكييف الهواء, بالإضافة ل تدفئة
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 25 - 40 دقائق بواسطة bus
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
القيود: 2 يجب تسجيل طلاب معا
Riad Dar Jaafar - If you choose to stay at one of our guest houses, typical Moroccan Riads, you will discover the twin city of Rabat and live to the rhythm of the traditional life of the medina.
Your room will have a private bathroom, hot and cold air conditioning, free and unlimited Wi-Fi and a TV.Reception is open 24hours. You will be offered a bed and breakfast; the breakfast is scheduled from 06:30 until 10:30. By white taxi then on foot, it takes 37 min (5dhs). If you take the white taxi and then change to a blue taxi, it takes 30 min (5dhs + 7dhs). By yellow taxi then by tramway, it is 35 min (6dhs + 5dhs)- Rue elbir numero 11 avenue mohamed 5 lagza Rabat

Distance from School: 25-40 mins by public
Facilities: Private bathroom, air-conditioning, heating, wireless internet, hairdryer, towels
Check In Time: 14:00 - 2:00

طالب الإقامة - غرفة لشخص واحد - إفطار


Riad (Courtyard Guesthouse) - Single Room - Bed & Breakfast

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of الرباط
نوع المسكن: طالب الإقامة (خارج الحرم الجامعي)
نوع الغرفة: غرفة لشخص واحد
خطة الوجبة: إفطار (7 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: حمام خاص, مطبخ, الانترنت اللاسلكي, تكييف الهواء, بالإضافة ل تدفئة
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 25 - 40 دقائق بواسطة bus
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
Riad Dar Jaafar - If you choose to stay at one of our guest houses, typical Moroccan Riads, you will discover the twin city of Rabat and live to the rhythm of the traditional life of the medina.
Your room will have a private bathroom, hot and cold air conditioning, free and unlimited Wi-Fi and a TV.Reception is open 24hours. You will be offered a bed and breakfast; the breakfast is scheduled from 06:30 until 10:30. By white taxi then on foot, it takes 37 min (5dhs). If you take the white taxi and then change to a blue taxi, it takes 30 min (5dhs + 7dhs). By yellow taxi then by tramway, it is 35 min (6dhs + 5dhs)- Rue elbir numero 11 avenue mohamed 5 lagza Rabat

Distance from School: 25-40 mins by public
Facilities: Private bathroom, air-conditioning, heating, wireless internet, hairdryer, towels
Check In Time: 14:00 - 2:00

فندق - 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - إفطار


Hotel - Double Room - Bed & Breakfast

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of الرباط
نوع المسكن: فندق
نوع الغرفة: 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: إفطار (7 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: مطبخ, الانترنت اللاسلكي, غرفة التلفزيون, تكييف الهواء, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل آخر
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 15 دقائق
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
القيود: 2 يجب تسجيل طلاب معا
The hotel is a mere 10 minute walk from the school and offers world-class comfort and modern decor. Students who choose to stay in the hotel will benefit from all of the convenient amenities while still enjoying the warm ambiance of Rabat, and absorbing the language and the culture of the city.

Facilities: Private bathroom, air-conditioning, heating, wireless internet, TV, iron, hairdryer, towels

Distance to school: 10-15 mins

Check In Time: 14:00 - 2:00

فندق - غرفة لشخص واحد - إفطار


Hotel - Single Room - Bed & Breakfast

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of الرباط
نوع المسكن: فندق
نوع الغرفة: غرفة لشخص واحد
خطة الوجبة: إفطار (7 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: مطبخ, الانترنت اللاسلكي, غرفة التلفزيون, تكييف الهواء, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل آخر
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 15 دقائق
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
The hotel is a mere 10 minute walk from the school and offers world-class comfort and modern decor. Students who choose to stay in the hotel will benefit from all of the convenient amenities while still enjoying the warm ambiance of Rabat, and absorbing the language and the culture of the city.

Facilities: Private bathroom, air-conditioning, heating, wireless internet, TV, iron, hairdryer, towels

Distance to school: 10-15 mins

Check In Time: 14:00 - 2:00

خدمة التأشيرات

نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.

رسالة القبول الخاصة بك سترسل لك على عنوانك بالبريد العادي من غير اي مصاريف او تكاليف.اذا رغبت بالحصول على الاوراق والبيانات ورسالة القبول عن طريق البريد السريع اكسبرس فعليك بدفع تكاليف ومصاريف الارسال عندما تقوم بعملية التسجيل 75 €.

الرحلات الجوية ونقل المطار

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to الرباط based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

التأمين على السفر

الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.

معرفة المزيد حول خطة التأمين لدينا »

اقرأ أكثر ...

الأسئلة & الإجابات

هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي ‪Sprachcaffe Rabat‬ والطلاب السابقين.

اطرح سؤالاً
عرض الأسعار