INTENSIVE COURSE (20h. group + 10h. individual / week)

A Door to Italy


مواضيع الدرس

استماع, تحدث, لفظ, قراءة, كتابة, المفردات, قواعد بالإضافة ل الأنشطة

الجدول الزمني للصف

مدة الدورة
12-1 اسابيع
تواريخ البدء
كل يوم الاثنين (باستثناء للمبتدئين) الشهر
تواريخ البدء للمبتدئين
03 مار 2025, 31 مار 2025, 28 أبر 2025, 19 ماي 2025, 16 يون 2025, 14 يول 2025, 11 أغس 2025, 08 سبت 2025, 06 أكت 2025, 03 نوف 2025 بالإضافة ل 01 ديس 2025
الدروس لكل أسبوع
30 دروس لكل اسبوع مدة كل درس 50 دقيقة
أيام الدروس
يوم الاثنين - الجمعة
العطل المدرسية
21 أبر 2025, 25 أبر 2025, 02 يون 2025, 24 يون 2025, 15 أغس 2025, 01 نوف 2025, 08 ديس 2025, 22 ديس 2025 - 09 ينا 2026, 25 ديس 2025, 26 ديس 2025

وقت الدرس

UTC 09:00 - UTC 10:50
راحة قصيرة
UTC 10:50 - UTC 11:00
UTC 11:00 - UTC 12:30
UTC 02:00 - UTC 06:00

الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم

وصف الدرس

The course mixes the group course in the morning (Standard Course) with additional one-to-one lessons in the afternoon.
Student can decide how many private lessons add per week: 4, 6, 8, 10.
This schedule is related to the "Intensive course 20 + 10 per week lessons"

Schedule of the morning lessons: every day from Monday through Friday 09.00 - 12.30 with a 10 minutes break in the middle of the morning. 50 minutes lessons
Schedule of the private lessons: from 14.00 to 16.00 FIVE TIMES WEEKLY, so all the afternoons. 60 minutes lessons

The intensive course is the best for all students who desire to learn as much as possible in a short period of time.
The intensive programs have always been successful because the individual lessons are very good at establishing and fixing new aspects of the language.
During private lessons teachers pay attention to student's particular difficulties that can be faced during the study of the Italian language and it will be followed a tailor made program.

مستوى الصف

،من المبتدئين إلى المتقدمين كل المستويات
سوف تأخذ اختبار تحديد المستوى في اليوم الأول الخاص بك لتحديد مستوى الصف الخاص بك. تستطيع أن تخوضهذا الامتحان قبل وصولك في region !

حجم الصف

متوسط 7 طلاب
الحد الأقصى 12 طلاب

سن الطالب

مدى العمر 16 سنوات او اكثر
متوسط 35 عام
بالصيف 21


سيتم إصدار شهادة الإتمام في نهاية الدورة.
اقرأ أكثر ...


  • A Door to Italy 1/60
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  • A Door to Italy 27/60
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  • A Door to Italy 30/60
  • A Door to Italy 31/60
  • A Door to Italy 32/60
  • A Door to Italy 33/60
  • A Door to Italy 34/60
  • A Door to Italy 35/60
  • A Door to Italy 36/60
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 37/60
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 38/60
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 39/60
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 40/60
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  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 49/60
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 50/60
  • الإقامة السكنية التي تتيحها المدرسة 51/60
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 52/60
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 53/60
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 54/60
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 55/60
  • الإقامة الطلابية التي تتيحها المدرسة 56/60
  • Apartments offered by A Door to Italy 57/60
  • Apartments offered by A Door to Italy 58/60
  • Apartments offered by A Door to Italy 59/60
  • Apartments offered by A Door to Italy 60/60


100% يوصي بها

اعتمادا على 14 تعقيبات
نجمات 5
نجمات 4
نجمات 3
1 نجمة
جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة

"Great experience with great teachers, dedicated and lot of patience !"

Aurore DELESPORT, الطالب من فرنسا

Special thanks to Michela and Carola who are in charge of all the logistics in the school ; they have been so helpful and professional

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
تاريخ الدراسة
15 Jul 2024 - 2 Aug 2024
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Interesting topics & sugestive teaching style"

Anton Ogorelc, الطالب من سلوفينيا

Professional teachers and a very helpful administrative sfaff.
Excellent location of the school.


اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
31 Jul 2023 - 4 Aug 2023
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Better than i expected"

Filip Valenta, الطالب من جمهورية التشيك

it was great, I was at the school for 1 month and I would have liked to stay much longer. I really recommend it 100%, not only are there great teachers, but also the atmosphere in the whole school is amazing, friendly. At the same time, afterschool activities organized by the school 3 times a week, from trips around Genoa to conversation classes, are all worth it! I was a little apprehensive before the course, but I am incredibly grateful for the experience. Thanks and definitely recommend.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
3 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
5 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"It was the most wonderful way of learning a new language."

Evelyne Bresciani, الطالب من بلجيكا

I really enjoyed my stay in Genova with a lovely landlady and a very good school with lovely teachers. Even it was only one week, I learned a lot and was able to practice in the city, not feeling like a tourist but like an almost real Italian.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
3 Apr 2023 - 7 Apr 2023
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.


Michael McGregor, الطالب من موناكو

First of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity to provide feedback. I really enjoyed having tailored classes and attention given to me while being taught by a private tutor. I found the course challenging enough to be able to progress in my learning all the while taking advantage of the free time that I had to go sightseeing. The provided room in the house was clean and tidy, while the owner remained very helpful and friendly at all times. I can't really say that I did not like something in particular!

Kind regards,


اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
3 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
24 Oct 2022 - 18 Nov 2022
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"A very useful experience"

Panagiota Polyzou, الطالب من اليونان

The teachers were very friendly and well prepared and I appreciated the fact that every day we were lectured by two of them. It helped me a lot to have to deal with different personalities.

I was greatly helped by the assistant teachers that were present in the class and helped us (the students) with our exercises.

The entry test took about half an hour at least. I would recommend that we take it before attending the school. That would save time for both of us. I felt that I was in a more advanced class that I had to but I guess that they did not have students for amatuers like myself. That made me reevaluate how helpful these lessons are for a student for my level. But I will think this through.

The first day I had a difficulty in finding the school and therefore I was an hour late. Of course I only had myself to blame for not checking the address the previous day.

You ask for social activities but there were not any on my level. I suppose that this particular week was not suitable as everyone was gone on vacation out of the city.

The next day I had a small misunderstanding with the owner of the apartment when she asked me for money. But the gentleman at the reception (unfortunately I don't remember his name) handled it perfectly. Once I told him about the request he talked to the owner in Italian (a conversation like this in Italian is way above my abilities) and resolved the issue the same day. Apparently the owner did not know that I had already paid to you for my staying. Otherwise the apartment was really great and the owner and the other residents were the nicest. I strongly recommend it.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
16 Aug 2021 - 20 Aug 2021
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"Better than expected in every way"

Joseph (Joi) Singleton

My Italian level was determined to be A2 after taking their test and was in a class of 6 people who were at the same level. This worked out extremely well for all the students and teachers. The instructors were excellent and very professional as the two teachers divided our teaching time, which was nice to get different styles and personalities.

The program helped in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Italian. I am very impressed by this method and have been to another immersion course which was not all-inclusive like this. I also took an adult class previously and this was only grammar and did not learn much at all.

I stayed in a magnificent home with a private bath and a garage for my car. The walk to school every day was 25 minutes along one of the most fascinating and famous streets in Italy. This beautiful street had plenty of places to get a caffe and croissant or focaccia for my breakfast, and then lunch after class. The owner of the home and my host was the best!

Genova is a large port city and has many sights to see, places to eat, and people to meet. I walked everywhere in my two weeks, from the lighthouse to Bocadasse. I even took a train and spent a weekend in Cinque Terre.

I cannot recommend A Door to Italy highly enough. They were communicative prior and helpful during my two weeks. The classes were excellent. My homestay was wonderful. Finally, Genova is a must for everyone to explore and experience.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
7 Sep 2020 - 18 Sep 2020
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"It helped me to understand Italian better and inspired me to learn to speak it more fluently."

Rochelle Rondinone, الطالب من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

I enjoyed the group experience of practicing, listening, and speaking together. The teachers reinforced my prior reading of Italian grammar and speaking, as well as taught me how to speak correctly. I enjoyed the cultural experiences and outings which gave us a longer opportunity to practice speaking to the instructors and new students from other classes. The room was comfortable. Sometimes it was hard to keep up with the conversations. I did feel that the teachers were eager to help and to encourage questions. I feel more comfortable now with speaking and asking questions to people on the street and have gotten over some of my insecurity and shyness with the new language. I enjoyed the food experiences and exploring the old town and ports like Nervi. It was also meaningful to learn more about the customs of the people in Genova. Thank you for the opportunity to improve my knowledge and understanding of the language and people of Italy. I would do it again and hope, if possible, to return to Genova.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
4 May 2015 - 15 May 2015
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هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"I really liked the school!!! Very good teachers!!!!"

Julia Ni, الطالب من كازاخستان

I liked everything!
Very good teachers! And educational programs!

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
3 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
2 Feb 2015 - 27 Feb 2015
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟
هذا استعراض مصدق. هذا الطالب اشترك في هذا درس عبر موقعنا، االلغات الدولية.

"They successfully combine teaching with fun."

Julien Chicot

I attended A Door to Italy over only one week, but I would have stayed longer if it had been possible. I received a warm welcome from all the staff. The administrative support has been of the highest quality since the day I registered online. The school found me a housing facility in the very centre of the town: it was perfectly located and the owner was very nice - we are still in touch. Teachers were very dynamic and nicely encouraged us to talk as much as possible. I learnt a lot and became far more confident. Unfortunately, during my only week there, very few activities were organized, which is my only disappointment.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
4 Aug 2014 - 7 Aug 2014
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"Wonderful in every way!"

Cynthia Farquharson

I loved this school. Was in the advanced class with 3 other students, non of whom were English speaking. This was my first in-Italy experience where I did not speak English at all. The advanced level was largely conversational which was just what I needed. The teachers were very animated and entertaining and we learned a lot about the Italians!
Genova is a great city, full of Renaissance palazzi and lots of things to see. It is great also in that it is not inundated with tourists as so many cities are nowadays. It has the largest medieval quarter of any city in Europe and is full of atmosphere.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
15 Sep 2014 - 26 Sep 2014
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"Professional, dynamic team"


I came to A Door to Italy on the recommendation of work colleagues and found the school very attuned to my special professional needs, of which they have much experience.
The entire team at the school is very dynamic, professional, and keen to ensure students have a positive and successful stay.
I found Genoa a city one quickly feels at home in, although quite humid when I was there in July!
Although the school premises are quite small, they are centrally located. My only complaint is that I found the rooms echoey, which made hearing difficult.
The private apartment I rented through the school was pleasant, clean, and well-located, with a friendly, helpful landlady next door.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
اسبوع واحد
تاريخ الدراسة
28 Jul 2014 - 8 Aug 2014
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"A good way to explore beautiful Italy and the Italian spirit"

Caroline Evers

I chose this school because it offers flexibility and also to discover Genoa. Genoa is very interesting and there are many historical locations, museums, and shows, and with a bit of time, you can also visit the Ligurian Coast, which is very beautiful.
I had the flexibility to stay only for a short time but the course was still right for my level. And I even had the flexibility to add individual cooking courses.
The possibility to stay in a host family is good, not only for learning, but also for having the possibility to continue to speak after the course.
The professors are very motivating and are also aware of the needs to speak an Italian of "the people", and not of "the books".

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
تاريخ الدراسة
3 Nov 2014 - 7 Nov 2014
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟


Nelli Mirakyan

I loved the classes, very dynamic, very informative and fun. The location of the school is right in the center, so everyday you get a privilege to enjoy beautiful sites while walking to school. My host family was great. I lived in a very nice apartment in the center, which made it easy to walk to school. Staff of the school was always nice and willing to help. We even got a guided tour of the city with lovely Irene.
I would highly recommend A Door to Italy who wants an authentic Italian experience in the gorgeous corner of the world.

اقرأ أكثر ...

تقييمي لهذه المدرسة

جودة التعليم
المرافق المدرسية
الأنشطة الاجتماعية
موقع المدرسة
مدة الدراسة
4 أسابيع
تاريخ الدراسة
18 Jul 2014 - 15 Aug 2014
هل تنصح بهذه المدرسة؟


المدرسة توفر انواع المسكن التالية:

الإقامة - غرفة لشخص واحد - إفطار


Host Family - Single-person room - Breakfast

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of جنوة
نوع المسكن: الإقامة
نوع الغرفة: غرفة لشخص واحد
خطة الوجبة: إفطار (6 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: مطبخ, مغسلة, الانترنت اللاسلكي, غرفة التلفزيون, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل 24/7 الإشراف
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 5 - 20 دقائق
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
A Door to Italy offers a wide range of housing options, from basic accommodation up to the high level solution, to guarantee our students a pleasant and comfortable stay.
All of our accommodation are carefully selected and conveniently located close to the school.

Being hosted by locals is a great experience and gives the opportunity to socialize outside the school.
Every apartment is different from the others: location, furniture, people living there, distance from school, distance from main points of interest make of each solution a unique solution. So we can not list a general standard quality card for the whole homestay solutions. But we guarantee tailored made bookings upon request in order to satisfy clients' request.
We guarantee prompt replies, prompt estimates and satisfaction.

General services provided by all homestay solutions: check in - check out , Breakfast Italian way,
Living room with TV, Furnished kitchen to self prepare own meals, 1 bathroom with shower or bath tube to share with other guests (in the higher level solutions bathroom is for private use only)
2/3 bedrooms which can be rented as single or double occupancy

The rate includes also all expenses for water, gas, electricity, heating, bed linen and bath towels provided with weekly change

check in / out are available on 7 nights basis from Saturday/Saturday or from Sunday/Sunday

الإقامة - 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - إفطار


Host Family - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together

مدى العمر : 16 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of جنوة
نوع المسكن: الإقامة
نوع الغرفة: 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: إفطار (6 وجبات في الأسبوع)
المرافق: مطبخ, مغسلة, الانترنت اللاسلكي, غرفة التلفزيون, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل 24/7 الإشراف
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 20 دقائق بواسطة bus
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
القيود: 2 يجب تسجيل طلاب معا
A Door to Italy offers a wide range of housing options, from basic accommodation up to the high level solution, to guarantee our students a pleasant and comfortable stay.
All of our accommodation are carefully selected and conveniently located close to the school.

Being hosted by locals is a great experience and gives the opportunity to socialize outside the school.
Every apartment is different from the others: location, furniture, people living there, distance from school, distance from main points of interest make of each solution a unique solution. So we can not list a general standard quality card for the whole homestay solutions. But we guarantee tailored made bookings upon request in order to satisfy clients' request.
We guarantee prompt replies, prompt estimates and satisfaction.

General services provided by all homestay solutions
Check in - Check out
Breakfast Italian way
Living room with TV
Furnished kitchen to self prepare own meals
1 bathroom with shower or bath tube to share with other guests (in the higher level solutions bathroom is for private use oly)
2/3 bedrooms which can be rented as single or double occupancy

The rate includes also
- all expenses for water, gas, electricity, heating.
- bed linen and bath towels provided with weekly change

check in / out are available on 7 nights basis from Saturday/Saturday or from Sunday/Sunday

طالب الإقامة - غرفة لشخص واحد - لا وجبات


Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of جنوة
نوع المسكن: طالب الإقامة (خارج الحرم الجامعي)
نوع الغرفة: غرفة لشخص واحد
خطة الوجبة: لا وجبات
المرافق: مطبخ, مغسلة, غرفة التلفزيون, بالإضافة ل تدفئة
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 20 دقائق بواسطة bus
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
A Door to Italy offers a wide range of housing options, from basic accommodation up to the high level solution, to guarantee our students a pleasant and comfortable stay.
All of our accommodation are carefully selected and conveniently located close to the school.

Shared apartments provide usually: living room with TV, furnished kitchen, 1 bathroom with shower or bath tube, 2/3 bedrooms which can be rented as single or double occupancy, washing machine.

The rent includes all expenses for water, gas, electricity, heating, check in and check out service (available on 7 nights base: Saturday/Saturday or Sunday/Sunday)

Final Cleaning compulsory to pay just once 25,00€ if renting the single room - 40,00€ if renting double room for double occupancy
Deposit to be returned by the end of the stay : 100,00€

طالب الإقامة - 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - لا وجبات


Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of جنوة
نوع المسكن: طالب الإقامة (خارج الحرم الجامعي)
نوع الغرفة: 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: لا وجبات
المرافق: مطبخ, مغسلة, غرفة التلفزيون, بالإضافة ل تدفئة
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 20 دقائق بواسطة bus
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
القيود: 2 يجب تسجيل طلاب معا
A Door to Italy offers a wide range of housing options, from basic accommodation up to the high level solution, to guarantee our students a pleasant and comfortable stay.
All of our accommodation are carefully selected and conveniently located close to the school.

Shared apartments provide usually:
Living room with TV
Furnished kitchen
1 bathroom with shower or bath tube
2/3 bedrooms which can be rented as single or double occupancy
Washing machine

The rent includes all expenses for water, gas, electricity, heating, heck in and check out service (available on 7 nights basis from Saturday/Saturday or from Sunday/Sunday), final cleaning.
Deposit to be returned by the end of the stay : 100,00€

The double room is available for peole travelling together

شقة - 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - لا وجبات


Private apartment - STUDIO - No meals - up to 2 students must book together

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of جنوة
نوع المسكن: شقة خاصة
نوع الغرفة: 2 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: لا وجبات
المرافق: حمام خاص, مطبخ, مغسلة, الانترنت اللاسلكي, الإنترنت مجانا, غرفة التلفزيون, تكييف الهواء, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل آخر
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 20 دقائق بواسطة walk
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
القيود: 2 يجب تسجيل طلاب معا
For independent people, for those who prefer to live on their own, for people wishing to have time by his/herself the possibility to rent an apartment fro exclusive use is available upon request.
All the apartment are located in the city center and it is possible to reach the school with a short -medium walk along the beautiful streets of the town.
Each apartment is different and the offer is made with a detailed description, pictures and price.

Price include all basic services: check in and check out (Saturday/Saturday - Sunday/Sunday), water, gas, electricity, heating, bed linen and bath towels

The apartments provide usually 1 or more bedrooms following your request, a living room and a kitchen furnished corner, 1 bathroom

Prices starts from 390,00€ / weekly
Final Cleaning 80/90 €
Deposit to be returned by the end of the stay: 300,00€

شقة - 3 - شخص غرفة مشتركة - لا وجبات


Private 2rooms apt. - No meals - 2/4 students must book together

مدى العمر : 18 سنوات او اكثر
موقع: In the city center of جنوة
نوع المسكن: شقة خاصة
نوع الغرفة: 3 - شخص غرفة مشتركة
خطة الوجبة: لا وجبات
المرافق: حمام خاص, مطبخ, مغسلة, الانترنت اللاسلكي, الإنترنت مجانا, غرفة التلفزيون, تكييف الهواء, تدفئة, بالإضافة ل آخر
المسافة إلى المدرسة: 10 - 20 دقائق بواسطة walk
توفر: يناير - ديسمبر
تحقق في: الأحد, في أي وقت
المغادرة: السبت, في أي وقت
القيود: 3 يجب تسجيل طلاب معا
For independent people, for those who prefer to live on their own, for people wishing to have time by his/herself the possibility to rent an apartment fro exclusive use is available upon request.
All the apartment are located in the city center and it is possible to reach the school with a short -medium walk along the beautiful streets of the town.
Each apartment is different and the offer is made with a detailed description, pictures and price.

Price include all basic services: check in and check out (Saturday/Saturday - Sunday/Sunday), water, gas, electricity, heating, bed linen and bath towels

The apartments provide usually 1 or more bedrooms following your request, a living room and a kitchen furnished corner, 1 bathroom

Prices starts from 390,00€ / weekly
Final Cleaning 80/90 €
Deposit to be returned by the end of the stay: 300,00€

خدمة التأشيرات

نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.

رسالة القبول الخاصة بك سترسل لك على عنوانك بالبريد العادي من غير اي مصاريف او تكاليف.اذا رغبت بالحصول على الاوراق والبيانات ورسالة القبول عن طريق البريد السريع اكسبرس فعليك بدفع تكاليف ومصاريف الارسال عندما تقوم بعملية التسجيل 65 €.

الرحلات الجوية ونقل المطار

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to جنوة based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

التأمين على السفر

الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.

معرفة المزيد حول خطة التأمين لدينا »

اقرأ أكثر ...

الأسئلة & الإجابات

هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي ‪A Door to Italy‬ والطلاب السابقين.

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