Center of English Studies: Dublin
31 Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland
Center of English Studies: Dublin
استماع, تحدث, لفظ, قراءة, كتابة, المفردات, قواعد بالإضافة ل الأنشطة
You can choose from the following class times:
الجدول الزمني للصف قد يتغير بناءا على توافر الدورة والمواسم
CES International Junior Summer School combines expert Fast Track Cambridge CAE training with a full programme of sports, activities and cultural visits. The lessons will focus on developing the core language skills; with particular emphasis given to preparing for CAE certificate exam that will take place at the end of the last week of the course. The package includes full board homestay accommodation, 15 morning
lessons of intensive CAE preparation classes that will be followed by afternoon sports and cultural activities.
We cannot accept a student for any exam course until CES have confirmed the student is at the required level. Every student is then appointed a tutor who continually assesses their progress with CES.
Price for 4 weeks includes course materials + CAE exam fee.
متوسط | 10 طلاب |
الحد الأقصى | 14 طلاب |
مدى العمر | 14 - اعوام17لسن |
متوسط | اعوام15لسن |
المدرسة موجودة في قلب دبلن وهي واحدة من اشهر المعاهد في أيرلاندا. المدرسة متخصصة بتعليم الإنجليزية لمثلك من الطلاب الدولينن القادمين من دول اخرى وعي انشات منذ 1976. صفوف المعاهد محدود بعدد صغير (14 اقصى عدد طلاب) الإنجليزية وجميع المدرسين هم متحدثين اصليين ل. والمدرسون وكادر التدريس محبوبون ولطفاء جداوسيعتنون بك طوال فترة بقائك في دبلن.
الجنسيات والاعمار مختلطة في المدرسة ودورات عديدة ومستويات عديدة وبفترات زمنية مختلفة. متوسط الاعمار هو 15 طوال العام. خلال الصيف متوسط الاعمار هو 15.
المدرسة تحتوي على طلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك
المدرسة لا تعوض ايام مقابل هذه العطل، لذلك اختر بعناية موعد بدأ الدورة، المدرسة لا تقوم بعمل دروس بالعطلات الموضوعة ادناه.
All was good except the fact to be 5 in the same room in the host family. We had no contact and no discussions with the familly.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...Hello Ms. Reich , I really liked the school and the teachers , I appreciated the behavior between teacher and student, they were friendly and funny , the climate was the best for a school like that there was no pressure and in my opinion this is the best environment to improve your English skills. The class had a good size , you could make groups for exercising an issue ,but it was not to noisy at the time of exercise with the variety of lessons and exercises you never get bored. It was easy to come to the school and the school is very central to everything that is a big plus !! Unfortunately I could not do much of the activities but I really liked the selection , you could have done so much ,I would have liked to make the Galway tour but it was a little bit to expensive for me , but this is not the problem of CES , I just could not afford it. To the housing I have to say that It was a nice quite house ,where you can rest after school and live peacefully with the other students ,but I had a problem with the restroom, there was mold I think it was mold ,maybe you could renovate them but this was the only thing I did not like , my house was Crestfield 43 . I really appreciated the experience . I love the city and the people. CES was the best choice that my mother could have made for me!
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...I have been to incredibly awesome classes. I really enjoyed studying at CES. Four teachers have taught me, and all of them were very friendly and they have taught me very well. In addition to that, the method was appropriate for me. It was not easy; it was very difficult for me. However, it was not too difficult for me so if I paid attention, I could understand it and I could learn new things every single day.
The location of the school was nice and good; so many facilities were available near it.
I have not tried any type of activity. The reason is I am not interested in it so much so I do not have an opinion about it, although so many people (like my friends, classmates and my room mate) told me that some activities were very good
Finally the housing was so nice. My host family was so friendly they always made sure that I felt comfortable and happy.
Overall I enjoyed the summer in Dublin and I hope I can gain this experience again.
In my opinion, CES Dublin is the best place in Dublin for learning English because I talked with students from another schools, and always find my school is better.
I had the best teachers ever. And I want to tell you about my host family. This people give me anything they can. I really appreciated this. I felt like I'm in my home.
Overall, organization ( teacher, host family, other staff) is really good.
It was a nice experience.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...It was a nice experience
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...i dont know what to tell i liked everything!
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...It was a wonderful time and I don't regret to have booked it 12 weeks. The teachers at the CES School in Dublin were absolutely fantastic. Please recommend this school interested parties unconditionally further.
إظهار التفاصيل » اقرأ أكثر ...السكن مختار بعناية ويوفر كل سبل الراحة لطلاب ليتعلمو اكثر عن الثقافة المحلية بالتزامن مع دراستهم الإنجليزية في دبلن. هذه المساكن بعيدة قرابة من 30 الى 40 دقيقة من خلال المواصلات العامة عن المدرسة. العائلات توفر الوجبات الممكنة لتتذوق الوجبات والاطعمة المحلية. اذا كان لديك حمية غذائية او تخفظات (بسبب الحالة الصحية او الدين), رجائا اطلعنا على ذلم لحتى نجد حلا. يبدأ السكن الخاص بك في يوم الأحد قبل أول يوم لك في الفصول وينتهي بيوم السبت بعد أخر يوم لك هناك الا بحالة خاصة موجودة. اقرا المزيد عن السكن
Junior Homestay - Shared Room - Full Board
نحن لا نستطيع الحصول على تأشيرات نيابة عن الطلاب. ومع ذلك، يمكن للمدرسة ان تورد لكم جميع الوثائق التي تحتاجها لدعم طلب التأشيرة.
جواب القبول الخاص بك سوف يتم ارساله الى عنوان منزلك بالبريد العادي بدون رسوم إضافية منك.
المدرسة توفر لكم خدمة التوصيل من المطار. اذا كنت ترغب ان يتم توصيلك او نقلك, فقط اعطينى معلومات رحلتك وتاريخ الوصول من. Dublin Airport هو السعر لنقل مرة واحدة 65 €. عليك حجز خدمة نقلك من المطار عند قيامك بعملية التسجيل.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to دبلن based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
الدراسة بالخارج خالية من القلق مع التغطية التأمينية للصحة والتأثيرات الشخصية مع العالمية للغة.عندما تحجز دورة معنا. يمكنك ان تختار شراء خطة التأمين الدولية التي تغطي ليس فقط تكلفة الرعاية الخاصة بك ولكن أيضا فقدان ممتلكاتك الشخصية .يجب عليك حجز التأمين مقدما عند التسجيل.
هل لديك أسئلة؟ احصل على إجابات من مستشارينا للطلاب, موظفي Center of English Studies: Dublin والطلاب السابقين.
اطرح سؤالاًCenter of English Studies: Dublin